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Oct 12, 20191 min read
About lexicographic order - Jesse Hyttinen
Hi and welcome to the Matladpi blog! In this post I will talk about the lexicographic order the tree generation algorithm is at least...
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Sep 9, 20181 min read
TGA in action! - Jesse Hyttinen
Hello! As my previous post was a bit short, I make it up to you readers right now. Here is the solution to the brain teaser (list all...
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Sep 2, 20181 min read
The origins of TGA - Jesse Hyttinen
Welcome! As you already may know, rooted trees are the main focus in this post. But before rooted trees, here is the solution to the...
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Aug 26, 20181 min read
It starts with rooted trees - Jesse Hyttinen
Hello fellow readers! As you already may know, the tree generation algorithm is used for tree generation. But how does it function? Here...
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Aug 19, 20181 min read
The math problem (part 2) - Jesse Hyttinen
Just to remind you, here are the pictures whose symbols may need some explanation: Picture 1: Picture 2: Here are the explanations for...
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Aug 12, 20181 min read
The math problem (part 1) - Jesse Hyttinen
Here is the problem in the movie Good Will Hunting that got me thinking about ideas for the actual TGA , tree generation algorithm: "Draw...
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Aug 7, 20181 min read
What is TGET? And who is its creator?
TGET is a tree generation and enumeration triplet, consisting of the condition matrix, a bunch of algorithms and the language they use.
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